Indian Rupee(INR) To Chinese Yuan(CNY)
This is the page of Indian Rupee (INR) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Chinese Yuan(CNY) To Indian Rupee(INR).
9020 INR
751.58409 CNY
9020 Chinese Yuan To Indian Rupee
Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 01,2025 07:32 UTC
Full history please visit INR/CNY History
Convert Indian Rupee(INR) To Chinese Yuan(CNY)
1 INR = | 0.08332 CNY | 12.00132 INR = | 1 CNY |
2 INR = | 0.16665 CNY | 24.00264 INR = | 2 CNY |
5 INR = | 0.41662 CNY | 60.00659 INR = | 5 CNY |
10 INR = | 0.83324 CNY | 120.01318 INR = | 10 CNY |
15 INR = | 1.24986 CNY | 180.01978 INR = | 15 CNY |
20 INR = | 1.66648 CNY | 240.02637 INR = | 20 CNY |
25 INR = | 2.0831 CNY | 300.03296 INR = | 25 CNY |
50 INR = | 4.16621 CNY | 600.06592 INR = | 50 CNY |
Indian Rupee(INR) To Chinese Yuan(CNY) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | Indian Rupee | Chinese Yuan |
Friday 28/02/2025 | 9020 INR = | 751.10894 CNY |
Thursday 27/02/2025 | 9020 INR = | 752.58379 CNY |
Wednesday 26/02/2025 | 9020 INR = | 752.973 CNY |
Tuesday 25/02/2025 | 9020 INR = | 750.73671 CNY |
Monday 24/02/2025 | 9020 INR = | 754.86251 CNY |
Sunday 23/02/2025 | 9020 INR = | 754.81457 CNY |
Saturday 22/02/2025 | 9020 INR = | 754.82544 CNY |
Friday 21/02/2025 | 9020 INR = | 755.62716 CNY |
Thursday 20/02/2025 | 9020 INR = | 752.96607 CNY |
Wednesday 19/02/2025 | 9020 INR = | 756.18823 CNY |
Full history please visit INR/CNY Exchange Rates History
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